
Following the establishment of the Diocese of Kuala Lumpur in 1955, the first Bishop, the late Most Rev. Tan Sri D. Vendargon was entrusted with the task of constructing churches across the diocese in Kuala Lumpur.


With the help and advice of a man of foresight, the late Rev. Fr. Belet, the Good Shepherd Church in Setapak was one of the Parishes identified. Working alongside the Vicar General, the late Fr. Limat, an architect named Mr. Balley from Booty Edwards, was engaged to design the church. 

Construction commenced in 1963 and concluded in 1964, with the official inauguration taking place on 2nd August 1964, officiated by the then Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, the late Most Rev. Tan Sri D. Vendargon.

The entire project, including the construction of the church and the parochial house, had a total cost of around RM 202,000, which covered the furnishings as well. 

During that period, it was considered the most modern architectural design for a Church within the Diocese.

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The Design

The main church building, measuring 75 feet by 75 feet, features a distinctive tent-shaped roof design, likened to the one that sheltered the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament, as described by the late Archbishop Tan Sri D. Vendargon. Technically known as a hyperbolic paraboloid, this thin concrete roof is supported by just four pillars situated outside the independent free-standing walls, allowing a free flow of space inside without the need for additional structural disruptions. 

The square shape of the church was partly influenced by the site's dimensions, with the sacristy and parochial house integrated into the remaining available space. A connecting corridor links these buildings to the main church structure. The positioning of the altar at one of the corners allows clear view from all pews, which encircle it, thus ensuring full participation of parishioners during the celebration of the Eucharist.





Renovations and extensions to church and surrounding

1971 -1983 (UNDER FR. JOHN WANG)

Personally constructed communion rail around altar and other carpentry workErection of new wooden crucifix at main altar.
Obtained land next to church, raised funds and constructed ground floor of Youth Centre there.
Turned ground floor into a Kindergarten


Entrance of Church was realigned to face altar
Extension of Sanctuary, construction of new Sacristy
Improvement to Tabernacle
Repair of leaking roof


Built a new Grotto
Erection of belfry with steel tower to hold the old bell
Repair of roof leak again
Landscaping around Church compound
Building up of 3-storey Youth Centre incorporating more
Kindergarten classes on the ground floor


Repair of roof leak again
Extension to accommodate 400 more parishioners
Stain-glass windows introduced
Beautified by murals by our own parish artists
Eco-friendly cooling of Church by a water-cooling system


Our Past Parish Priest

Fr. Stephen Tsao - Aug 1964 - March 1968

Rev. Fr, Stephen Tsao
Aug 1954 - Mar 1986

Fr. John Wang - June 1971 - March 1983

Rev. Fr. John Wang
Jun 1971 - Mar 1983

Fr Simon Tang - March 1968 - June 1971 and Feb 1983 - Jan 1991

Rev. Fr. Simon Tang
Mar 1968 - Jun 1971
Feb 1983 - Jan 1991

Fr Eugene Benedict

Rev. Fr. Eugene Benedict
Jul 1989 - Jan 1991

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Rev. Fr. Antoine Henriot
Feb 1991 - Aug 2004

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Rev. Fr. Patrick Boudville
Aug 2004 - Jun 2011

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Rev. Fr. V.A. Michael
Jun 2011 - Jun 2015

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Rev. Fr. Christopher W. Soosaipillai
Jun 2015 - Jan 2022

MSGR Mitchel Joseph

Rev. Fr. MSGR Michael Antony Joseph
Jan 2022 Onwards

Fruits Of
Good Shepherd Church